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A survey was conducted by the organisation under Total Sanitation Campaign, sponsored
by Zila Parishad, Sawai Madhopur in 17 villages of 5 Gram Panchayat of Khandar block
in Sawai Madhopur District. The theme of survey was focused on health hygiene, water
and sanitation facilities available in house hold of APL & BPL families. After successfully
completion of survey work a total no. of 105 latrines were constructed by the organisation
for BPL beneficiaries of Khandar block in Sawai Madhopur District. Other activities
conducted under Total Sanitation Campaign are as follows:
1. Latrine construction for BPL beneficiaries 105 Nos.
2. Training Programmes for Panchayati Raj
48 Trainees
Representatives in Khandar block
3. Training Programme for Animators
22 Trainees
4. Awareness Camps
18 Nos.
5. Participation in “Jal Chetna Rath Yatra”
Block Khandar
Watershed Development Programmes :- Organisation conducted
four training programmes for Watershed Committee Members for developing watershed
area of Gangapur City & Khandar Block in Sawai Madhopur District. It was intended
for community representatives and staff using watershed- or community-based approaches
for environmental protection. The details of the programmes are as follows: