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Rural Entrepreneurship Development programmes

With a view to accelerate the process of Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programme and to achieve the desired objective at a faster pace, Promotion of Non-Farm Sector in rural areas is one of the thrust areas Over the years, a number of promotional programmes are organised for development of Rural Non-Farm Sector. Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programme (REDP) is one of the important Non-Farm Sector (NFS) promotional programmes for diversification of village industries with a focus on creating sustainable employment and income opportunities in a cost effective manner for the benefit of educated unemployed rural youth. With a view to ensure setting up of units as well as their successful management, Technical / activity based REDP. Consequently, select Industrial Training Institutes (it is) have also been included for conducting Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (REDPs).

Progress and Impact

The high degree of success in terms of setting up of new units, creation of employment and generation of income on a sustainable basis.

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