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Our team of faculty comprises of well educated and experienced Trainers and Motivators and counsellor. They are doctorates, accredited trainers from Apex Institutions like EDII Ahmedabad, and NIESBUD; New Delhi. The team works full time and also utilize the broad resource of educationists, entrepreneurs, professional, technocrats, consultants, government officers and local achievers in the filed of entrepreneurship.
Core Team

Dr. Subhash Chandra Sharma
Chairman and Executive Director
Ph.D, M.B.A , M.COM, LL.B,
34 years experience in the field of entrepreneurship development. Worked with RAJCON,HARDICON, ED CELL MITS, Gwalior and Entrepreneurship and Management Development Institute (EMI) Rajasthan,
Purushottam Sharma
Project Leader
Shri M.C. Gupta
B.sc., M.Com, PGDSSI
26 Years experience in the field of Entrepreneurship Development and Consultancy. Worked with RAJCON
Anjani Kumar tharwan
Vice Chairman
B.Com,, LL.B
Shri Radhey Shyam Pareek
Executive Member
M.A. Economics
Retired as Assistant Director from Industries Department, Govt. of Rajasthan
Dr. Rajesh Sinha
Gen. Secretary and Director, Ambedkar Nehru Shod
Ph. D., M.A, PGDJ
Subhash Dixit,
Manager (F&A)
Shri Pankaj Joshi
Ms. Priti Sharma
Programme Director
M.Com, B.Ed
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