Technology based Entrepreneurship Development programme is basically a particular
technical trade based Entrepreneurship Development Programme of six weeks durations.
The main contents of the programmes are as follows:-
Technical Training:
The Technical training of the relevant field is also provided with the collaboration
of any well known technical institution . The duration of the technical training
is for four weeks, which include factory visit, practical training and basic exposure
of technology involved in particular trade.
Entrepreneurial Inputs:
Detailed information on investment climate in the State and district, institutional
setup, with their role/schemes/ procedures and formalities, project formulation
and project report preparation are also given to the trainees. The officials/experts
engaged in the field of industrial development and agencies provide information
about Govt. schemes, infrastructure facilities/finance to entrepreneurs
Market Survey:
The market survey tools and techniques, questionnaire preparation is the prominent
part of the programme and then actual field market survey is also carried out by
the trainees.
In the Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) which is conducted as residential camp
for four days, where each trainee through various behavioural and motivational simulation
exercises evaluate himself i.e. his strengths, capabilities, weaknesses and learn
how to overcome them.
Field Visits:
To make the trainees aware about the actual working of, they are taken for the visit
of different units of same field. In the session for “ interaction with successful
entrepreneur” they learn about practical difficulties, causes of failure etc. and
remedies to overcome that.