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Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps (EACs):

R.K.Sasnsthan is a Nodal Agency for Organising EACs in state of Rajasthan. These EACs are organised in Science/Technology Institutes. Colleges or Polytechnics with a view to expose students as well as faculty of academic institutions, offering degree/diploma courses in S&T, to entrepreneurship as an alternative career, Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps (EACs) are conducted by Nodal Agencies in each State/Union Territory of the country. The implementing agency is usually either an educational institution or a professional body specialising in entrepreneurship development. These programmes are sponsored by Department of Science and Technology ,Government of India.

Each Camp, of 3 days duration, is conducted in the premises of an academic institution and aims at creating awareness among students about various facets of entrepreneurship while highlighting the merits of pursuing such a career option. In each EAC, about 75 students are exposed to different aspects of entrepreneurship, including opportunity guidance, services offered by agencies of support system etc. A visit to the industries located in the region is    also arranged to bring the students in direct touch with practicing entrepreneurs.

Programme Objective:
To create awareness among faculty and students of Engineering and Science courses about various facets of entrepreneurship as an alternative career option as also to highlight the merits of pursuing such an option.

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