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New Programs
Department of Science & Tchnology Gov. of India sanctioned a Science & Technology Entreprepreneurship Development (STED) Project at Alwar for promoting S&T base micro-enterprise. The duration is project is four years from 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2017
PEC Ltd. CSR Project 2013-2014
PEC Ltd. awarded a project under CSR project for Health Care & drinking water in 10 villages of Chhan and Lehsoda panchayat in Sawaimadhopur district of Rajasthan
R. K. Sansthan is implementing a CSR project initiate by Apollo Tyre Foundation
Objectives of the project
The project is designed with a clear objective of “Improving the environment of the area through setting up waste collection and disposal systems and building an attitude of cleanliness and improved environment”. The main objectives include:
•To establish waste collection, segregation and treatment system in Jaipur Transport Nagar
•To improve cleanliness of the Transport Nagar Jaipur
•To spread awareness and advocacy on the integrated issues of waste, sanitation and health among stakeholders in Transport Nagar Jaipur
•To make Transport Nagar More Green
Activities under project
To do sweeping on 03 lane and 11 by Lanes,
To plant and maintain 100 lives trees (24 with trees guards),
Increase 50 number of establishment for door to door waste collection,
To conduct Training on waste handling, personal safety and composting for Nirmal Brigade ,
To cover 300 establishment by March 2018 under Door to door waste collection also to focus on source segregation ,
To use terra bags instead of compost pit to manage bio-degradable waste
To collect community contribution ,
To Organize/Celebrate 4 Special Events i.e. Water Day, Earth Day, environment Day and Swachata divas 2nd Oct. and
To conduct 16 awareness activities
Haldighati Flower Processing Cluster . Khamnor
Date: 4/1/2021